Showing posts with label balance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label balance. Show all posts

Thursday, March 21, 2013

To save knees, bend them & stand while brushing teeth

They are falling. And getting hurt, seriously.

Two did, not too long ago. In Jaipur.

One in the bathroom. One, I believe, on one of the non existent sidewalks common to most of urban India. Others have fallen, too, family and friends, and broken bones.

Those that fall are younger.
Our world may be too flat. Maybe there is too much asphalt, concrete, carpet. Maybe we have forgotten how to balance ourselves. Some have deficiency of B12 our balance vitamin, a problem due to decreased absorption after age 60.

Knee replacements nowadays also are common at 50. We are not as strong. We sit. Every chance we get. But not on the floor. In the car, at work, on the toilet we sit comfortably. Even at prayer meetings, disregarding tradition, more sit on chairs as getting up is too difficult.

The problem likely is that the quadriceps or quads for short, the muscles in the front of our thighs that critically support and protect the knee, are weak. The knees bear more stress and wear out. Vitamin D deficiency may be a problem, more on that another day.

We walk. Some. But walking alone is not enough to make quads and knees strong. Though it does help balance, especially if we walk on uneven ground. Safely.

Momma walked daily all her life, in the park near our ancestral home, till her knees just hurt too much. At 84 she wanted new knees! Papa lived to 92. He loved his garden. Every morning 2 hours on his haunches, hand spading the ground up and down as he moved around. This was his morning till he was 80. His knees strong till he died 12 years later.

For strong quads bend your knees while standing.
Bend your knees as you brush your teeth.
Bend your knees while you shave.
Bend your knees waiting for the train, the bus, the plane.
Bend your knees, supporting your weight. As often as you can.
Bend slightly, gorilla like, holding your weight, slightly spreading the legs might help with balance, and tense your quads. Do this many times a day.

Our quads are our knees. Strong quads save knees. From the surgeon.

As you get stronger quads, in 6 weeks, or 12 if you are older, bend deeper, and hold. Comfortably.
Next walk down steps for 6 weeks, adding more flights weekly. As comfortable, walk up steps.  

The more you do the more you can do.
Use it or loose it.

Remember to bend your knees in prayer.


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