Showing posts with label trans fats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trans fats. Show all posts

Monday, September 08, 2008

Mind wandering in "sudden death" class, how can we prevent it

My mind was wandering in my "sudden death" class...prevention prevention prevention!!.....

How did my mom learn about cod liver oil? My mother grew up east of the the Kyber Pass. She was the top student in her class in Kohat in the North West Frontier Province of undivided India..
Where oh where did she learn about that stinky, ugly stuff. I cried and held my nose. Daily! She wouldn't take no for an answer. Momma made me drink COD LIVER OIL.

I was daydreaming. Now I was too senior to be kicked out of class, a welcome change indeed from my 8th grade Physics class at St Xaviers, Jaipur. Would it not be better to prevent sudden cardiac death than waste health care $$ on ACLS?

ACLS is when EMT's, nurses and doctors work frantically to revive you after you suddenly fall dead. Skill, teamwork and luck improve your odds of being brought back to life successfully. Luck especially. So, if you must, have a witnessed cardiac arrest around a trained provider who has an automatic electronic defibrillator (AED) on hand and he can "shock you" as quickly as possible.

And then, as I looked around the room at the class - ironically studying death - and I thought how many of us eat McDonald's fries (McDonald’s french fries just got fatter ), smoke dried plant matter,
eat farmed salmon loaded with carcinogenic stuff.(organochlorine contamination in farmed salmon),
do not eat N Dakota flax all the while hoping to get lucky when we get Ventricular fibrillation.
Could we change? Before we get shocked. V Fib, is treated with a DC electric shock. V Fib and V
tach are the most common and - if-they-find-you-and-shock-you-quickly - reversible cause of sudden death.

Could we just ignore the marketing/brainwashing and try change what we eat?

Dietary omega-3 fatty acids stabilize the myocardium electrically, resulting in reduced susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias and a marked decrease in risk of sudden cardiac death and reduction in all-cause mortality. Oily fish is good for you.. even the Wall Street Journal and JAMA agree on this one!
Trans fats increase sudden death. Omega 3s reduce it.
Brain Blockers-Trans Fats reduce IQ. Omega 3s increase it  so VEGETARIANS can use Flax(Ulsee) or chia seeds, walnuts, hemp, and other sources.

New York is right says Dr Willett of Harvard in banning Trans fats.
But how did my momma know this stinky stuff was so good for me?!

Nutrition is more than laboratory science. Nutrition is us smart humans listening to the wisdom of our elders, learning from observation of nature, and not getting blown away by marketing and the dollar menu.

My momma was smart. Thank you momma!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Life span drop posted 2005 confirmed

Life Span is dropping. 

I first said this in 2005. 
In November 2019 a study analyzing 50 years worth of mortality data clearly showed increasing death rates in ALL races between 25 to 44 years of age and a decreasing lifespan in America. 

Compared to other wealthy nations this decrease began years ago. Some of us just saw it coming before others. I tried to tell the world both in my writing and also spending own money to go to Marin county courthouse in California to fight McDonald’s trans fat settlement in 2005 August. 

And then Sonali fell sick September 1, 2005. My whole life was turned upside down and I dropped this whole fight against trans fats and soda. She died in 2012. 

Life span in America is dropping. Pop caused obesity and the Trans Fatty Acids hidden in fast food and franchise restaurant food, school and employee cafeteria food and many items in our grocery stores, are a one-two knockout punch.
Transfats have been categorically proven to increase heart attacks and heart arrhythmias; to cause poorer pregnancy outcomes by increasing pre-eclampsia and decreasing fetal birth weight; to impact nerve health potentially lowering IQ in the new born and infant and damaging the retina increasing macular degeneration and blindness in the elderly. They also increase complications in diabetic patients of all ages.
Sugars in the large quantities in drinks and juices bypass the brains appetite center, stimulate high insulin levels and abdominal fat accumulation. Each meal eaten has hundreds of added liquid calories that we drink! That, not lack of exercise is resulting in our national obesity epidemic.
When eating out ask about Trans fats.
Your heart, your eyes and your baby’s brain depends on it.
And the only liquid you should drink with your meals is water. Or milk if you so desire.
Your life depends on it.


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