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Showing posts from October 30, 2005

USA lifespan increase over 2 decades lags behind Europe

Life Span is dropping Life span in America is dropping. Pop caused obesity and the Trans Fatty Acids hidden in fast food and franchise restaurant food, school and employee cafeteria food and many items in our grocery stores, are a one-two knockout punch. Transfats have been categorically proven to increase heart attacks and heart arrhythmias; to cause poorer pregnancy outcomes by increasing pre-eclampsia and decreasing fetal birth weight; to impact nerve health potentially lowering IQ in the new born and infant and damaging the retina increasing macular degeneration and blindness in the elderly. They also increase complications in diabetic patients of all ages. Sugars in the large quantities in drinks and juices bypass the brains appetite center, stimulate high insulin levels and abdominal fat accumulation. Each meal eaten has hundreds of added liquid calories that we drink! That, not lack of exercise is resulting in our national obesity epidemic. When eating out as

Health Care Costs Escalating- unusual allies Walmart and Unions!

Health Care Costs Escalating Health costs at Walmart have gone up 50% in 3 years. Walmart says its employees are sicker than the national average especially with obesity related health problems. The one-two knockout punch to Walmart and our nations health is pop along with Trans Fatty Acids in fast food, franchise restaurant food, school and employee cafeteria food and grocery store items. Let me explain. Sugars in drinks and juices bypass our appetite satiety center; stimulate high insulin levels and abdominal fat accumulation. Each meal has hundreds of added liquid calories! One 18 oz bottle of coke per day adds up to over 7000 spoons of sugar per year. No one can keep up with that for long. We become obese. Trans fats cause increased heart attacks, gallstones, pregnancy complications, macular degeneration among other ailments. Health care costs escalate. Blue collar and service industry workers and the young are most vulnerable to th