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Showing posts from November 24, 2019

Turmeric is good. Canadian Doctors studied curcumin presuming it was THE ONLY active ingredient

I am writing here about the recent New York Times article about the lack of efficacy for Turmeric in medical studies done in Canada in some surgical patients. What they had actually studied was Curcurmin in their patients with the presumption that curcurmin is THE active ingredient in turmeric responsible for all it’s beneficial effects. The same mistake has been made in medical studies before wherein a natural product in this case turmeric is pooh-poohed when an ingredient that makes up less than 5% of the whole natural product -curcurmin is studied and the results are presumed to be applicable to the natural ingredient well accepted and known to be widely beneficial in Ayurveda in the first place. It is likely the reason curcumin was studied was that it has an enormous cost premium as compared to the natural turmeric powder widely available. Two prior similar mistakes come to mind - walnuts and carrots Walnuts consumption had been found to be helpful in some way for vascular di

My prediction in 2005 of decreasing lifespan in USA coming true

In August 2005 in a letter to the editor of the Washington Post I had brought up that life expectancy in America would be expected to drop. I was concerned about heavy consumption of trans fats in fast foods as well as most baked goods. To add to the toxic mix of transfat laden foods was consumption of liquid sugars in high calorie soda pop, energy drinks and juices. In my medical practice I had noticed more younger patients were being admitted to the hospital with serious infections then in prior years. Increasing data over the last few years has corroborated my concern from 2005. A recent study of 50 years of mortality data confirms that US life expectancy has not kept pace with other wealthy countries and is now decreasing. A significant increase in death rates in the prime years of life ages 25 and 44 is noted in ALL races. This study is by Stephen Woolf MD MPH and Heidi Schoomaker MAEd. JAMA2019(20):1996-2016. Eli:10.1001/jama.2019.16932