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Showing posts from January 29, 2006

Have a smart baby! Eat no trans fats- lower IQ

Trans fats lower baby's IQ. True, absolutely. Read on to understand why we should not let corporations make profits at the cost of your babies intelligence. Our brains are mostly fats. Most of the fat in the brain is in the form of long chain fatty acids. These long chain fatty acids are in breast milk as well as more expensive bay formula in the form of DHA and AA. Long chain fatty acids are synthesized in the body from short chain fatty acids in our foods. Oils, nuts, meats, and dairy are the primary source of the various fatty acids in our diet. Our body can synthesize these long chain fatty acids which are the building blocks of the brain. The process is similar to making a long railroad train by connecting the individual boxcars with links. So what do trans fats do? They BLOCK the enzyme the body uses to make these links. I mean if God were to make a specific compound to block this long chain fatty acid making process it would be trans fats. Trans fats are so similar to the