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Showing posts from March 3, 2013

Go anywhere everywhere.

They go anywhere. Often they have to as they have no where to go. I am talking about toilets or the lack thereof in India and shit. There must be amazing amounts of shit in the soil, air and water in India. Did you know that toilets on trains in India drop shit directly down to the open ground below the running train. Billions of Indians shit a gazillion microbes traveling in trains.  And the trains disseminate them widely throughout the land! India has the largest passenger train system in the world. What about those fancy western style toilets in cities used to flush shit out of site.  Most of that likely goes as untreated sewage into open drains thence to streams and rivers. Everywhere! Maybe this shit everywhere is the hidden attraction of trips to India. Could it be that subconsciously we want to be exposed to this vast microbial cocktail. Next time you eat a green leafy salad in India, think of shit. Because its likely there.