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Showing posts from March 26, 2023

Foods to help manage blood sugar Excellent article from ZOE

  6 Foods That Help Lower (Manage) Blood Sugar In this article, we’ll explore ways you can use foods to help manage your blood sugar.  No one type of food can quickly lower the amount of sugar in your blood.  Instead, a range of factors can influence your blood sugar response. Some factors include your meal’s nutrient content, the time of day, and your food combinations. The tips below will work for most people, but if you have  type 1 or type 2 diabetes , you should work with a healthcare provider. Together, you can set the blood sugar levels you should be aiming for. Ready to feel healthier? Learn how to eat for your unique body with ZOE, nutrition personalized to your biology. Get started with our quiz Blood sugar responses after eating After you eat, your body breaks down  digestible carbohydrates  into simple sugar molecules called glucose. This happens in your gut.  The glucose then moves through your gut wall into your bloodstream. Once there, it travels around your body, provid


  Friends  This morning's news on Medscape was this headline reminding us all to be humble about certainty in health related topics. Western medicine and Western dietary advice is full of this kind of change from one advice to the other. Triglycerides were blamed is the primary cardiovascular risk factor in Indians for decades now. The complexity of the human body and the differences among individuals likely explain the reason for these conflicting data. As you read between the lines you realize what they found was lowering triglycerides with PILLS did not reduce cardiovascular mortality.  What they did NOT say is sugar or alcohol the primary drivers of triglyceride increase in us are safe to indulge in now. No doubt exists about improved health when we drink or eat less sugar.  No doubt exists that alcohol consumption is bad for health. Western medical science and research is driven by the need to commercialize pills to isell to us to mprove health outcomes hence the headline . It